Tuesday 31 March 2015

QB Deodorant Cream

QB Deodorant Cream – 7 Days Lasting Effects!  For Underarms and feet!
Are you troubled by sweaty underarms and feet? Embarrassed by having bad odor? Feeling uncomfortable because of sticky underarms?
Now, remove your worries with QB Cream, Japan’s longest lasting deodorant! 
Reduce sweat and odor for up to 7 days. Stay fresh and dry for the whole day without any stickiness.
Made in Japan, free of fragrance, chemical colorings, paraben and aluminum commonly found in other deodorants that is unhealthy for your skin.
Clear and non-opaque, YOUR SECRET IS NO LONGER A SECRET.
Causes of Body Odor:
The two types of sweat are those from Eccrine glands and those from Apocrine glands. BO is caused by the sweat from the Apocrine glands, which includes ingredients such as albumin, fat and ammonia. It becomes pungent when it connects with bacteria on the surface of the skin, even though the sweat itself is odorless. In particular, the armpit has the most plentiful Apocrine glands and a stable body temperature assists the propagation of bacteria which leads to the production of BO.
Conversely, the cause of foot odor is sweat from the Eccrine glands. Sweat consists of 99% water, but the Eccrine glands are dense and tend to be crowded. As a result, various bacteria propagate easily, giving a body odor as a by-product of the decomposition of the ingredients inside the sweat.
Ensure that skin is clean and dry before applying an adequate quantity (about 5mm in diameter) of cream to the whole underarm area or to the soles of the feet (in particular between the toes). Keep spreading until it becomes clear. The recommended frequency of use is once or twice per week, but please apply again when bothered by odor.
Net Weight: 5g
Waiting time:
2 weeks
1 for $19.90
2 for $36.90